Monday, June 11, 2012

Managing Your Senior’s Medications in Louisville

Medication management is a task that requires a great deal of organization and an understanding of the medications that your elderly loved one has been prescribed. As such, it is important that, if you are managing your senior’s prescriptions, you are well-educated about each medication, its potential side effects, and how it is supposed to help your elderly loved one. Always Best Care of Southeast Louisville, which serves Louisville, Middletown, Anchorage, Hikes Point, Fern Creek, Jeffersontown, and the counties of Shelby, Spencer, Bullitt, Nelson, and Washington, understands that this can be a major responsibility—one that you may find overwhelming. However, by following these tips you can keep your elderly loved one’s medications in order.

» If possible, accompany your senior to their doctor’s appointments. When visiting the doctor, ask any questions you may have about the prescriptions that he or she recommends. Also, encourage your elderly loved one to ask their questions. The goal of each doctor’s appointment should be to leave with a thorough understanding of the medical needs of your senior—as well as the medications and other treatment options that have been prescribed. 

» Fill all of your senior’s prescriptions at one pharmacy. In doing so, you can build a relationship with the pharmacist, who may be able to detect drug interactions and other possible complications before your elderly loved one begins taking new medication. Additionally, your pharmacist will become a great resource for answers to any questions that may crop up after the doctor’s appointment. 

» Keep all of the literature about your senior’s medications in one central location. Additionally, keep the prescription information (i.e. dosage, generic availability, etc.) with this literature. This will allow you to quickly access the data if necessary. 

» Pay attention to your elderly loved one in an effort to detect any adverse reactions to new medications. These reactions may be mild to severe in nature, but need to be promptly addressed by a healthcare professional. If necessary, call upon the services of emergency healthcare providers if a drug interaction or other dangerous side effect occurs. 

The senior care professionals at Always Best Care of Southeast Louisville specialize in providing home care services. As such, they are well-trained in medication management. If you find that this task is too taxing, or that you need a bit of assistance with the responsibility, these professionals are there for you. Through targeted in-home care services, they can help you manage your elderly loved one’s medication successfully.

For a free e-booklet with information on managing your senior's medication and much more, please visit

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